In an astonishing visit, some government officials from Angola are in Sierra Leone to study Artisanal Diamond Mining and certification purposes.

Hon. Umaru Napoleon Koroma, the Deputy Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources received and welcomed the 15-man official delegation from the Angolan government at a netting held on the 1st of October 2024 at the Ministry’s Conference Room.

The session was focused on sharing Sierra Leone’s expertise in artisanal diamond mining practices and its diamond certification process for export.

Their stay in Sierra Leone aimed to explore how Sierra Leone has successfully implemented artisanal mining regulations and adopted a diamond certification system that ensures the integrity and traceability of diamonds for the international market. Angola, known for its rich diamond reserves, is seeking to emulate Sierra Leone’s progress in responsible mining as part of its broader agenda to reform its diamond sector.

At the end of the meeting, the whole delegation travelled to Koidu Town in Kono District to observe the operations of GEMFAIR, a De Beers-affiliated initiative focused on ethical sourcing and purchasing from artisanal diamond miners. This field visit gave the Angolan team firsthand insights into how Sierra Leone’s diamond sector has transitioned from past associations with conflict diamonds to becoming a global leader in ethical mining practices.

Moving to the Province of Kono, the delegation was accompanied by the President of the World Diamond Council, a significant figure whose presence further underscores the importance of this visit in fostering collaboration and promoting best practices in the diamond mining industry across Africa and beyond.

In the session at the Conference Room, Deputy Minister Koroma remarked on Sierra Leone’s commitment to transforming the mining sector from a symbol of conflict to one of prosperity and transparency. He expressed optimism that Angola’s engagement with Sierra Leone would significantly elevate artisanal mining standards across the continent.

Sierra Leone’s efforts to inspire fellow African nations to transition from “blood diamonds” to “prosperity diamonds,” was the efficacy of the meeting which would contribute to sustainable development and economic growth.