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President Bio Describes the Importance of MCC Grant

President Bio Describes the Importance of MCC Grant

President Julius Maada Bio has described the importance of the Millenium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) 480 million US Dollars grant as significant milestone for Sierra Leone. "This signing is not just...

Sierra Leone Announces New Curfew To Halt Ebola

Sierra Leone Announces New Curfew To Halt Ebola

Sierra Leone's President Ernest Bai Koroma said Friday he was imposing a three-week daytime curfew in the last Ebola-hit areas in a bid to curb a resurgence of the deadly virus. Koroma announced on...

100 Buses Procurement Scandal – Who is Fooling Who?

100 Buses Procurement Scandal – Who is Fooling Who?

The procurement of our hundred new buses has pried open a Pandora box; shocking revelations keep coming. But we are more concerned about the fact that the Transport Minister’s explanation to Parliament...

All Set For The 2015 Sierra Leone Football Awards

All Set For The 2015 Sierra Leone Football Awards

Sierra Leone Football. will be holding its annual Best Player Awards Ceremony in London this year. This is their 5th year in existence and they’re celebrating it in grand style. Apart from the...

Chevron Set to Explore on Sierra Leone’s Oil

Chevron Set to Explore on Sierra Leone’s Oil

American multinational energy cooperation, Chevron Wednesday 24th June 2015 announced its desire to explore the oil potentials of Sierra Leone. Chevron’s aspiration to invest in the country’s oil...


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