Parliament of Sierra Leone through the Committee on Appointments and the Public Service, chaired by the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Mathew Sahr Nyuma has on Thursday 19th October 2023 debated and approved eight presidential Nominees.

The following Presidential Nominees include Mr. Hadji Dabo, Director General – of the National Mineral Agency (NMA), Dr. Edward Hinga Sandi, Executive Director – of the National Investment Board (NIB), Mr. Ahmed Tijan Fadlu-Deen, Ambassador – of the Sierra Leone Embassy in Qatar, Mr. Emerson Kamara Deputy Commissioner of the National Youths Commission, Mr. Lansana Wuie Keifala Chairman of the Sierra Leone Teaching Service Commission (SLTSC), Dr. Bondi Gevao, Chairman – National Safety and Radiation Protection Board, Mr. Abu Bakarr Karim, Ambassador – Sierra Leone Embassy for the People’s Republic of China, and Mr. Harold Bundu Saffa, Ambassador – Sierra Leone Embassy in Ethiopia/African Union.

Presenting the 8th Report, the Acting Leader of Government Business, Hon. Bashiru Silikie told Members of Parliament and the Speaker that all the nominees were interviewed on established procedures including educational background, experience, track records, tax obligation, and vision for productive tenure for their respective offices.

Seconding the motion, the Deputy Leader 2 of Government Business, Hon. Saa Emerson Lamina referred to the Constitution of Sierra Leone relative to Presidential appointments to offices. He informed that President Bio has done justice to the appointments of fine nominees and expressed hope that the latter would deliver. He reiterated that their performance would add to their credits for the re-elections of the ruling party to governance. While making a comparative analysis of President Bio’s development trajectory, he recalled the developments of former Presidents and a few negatives. The MP used the opportunity to heap praises on President Bio for the Free Quality Education and the current Feed salon. The Leader spoke positively about the nominees and pointed out some achievements amidst a series of advice to all.

On his part, Hon. Charles O. Abdulai predicated his debate on his relationships with some of the nominees and commended them for their experiences. He highlighted some of the problems that would be envisaged by the nominees in their new offices and advised them to provide solutions for the development of the State.

Hon. P. C. Thor Thor Sheku Marah III from Falaba District congratulated the President and bestowed praises upon him for his democratic achievements and also labeled him as a champion of human capital development. He also congratulated the nominees and used the opportunity to appeal for more appointments for his Falaba People. He raised a series of concerns about the allocation of scholarships to his people and also used the opportunity to demonstrate a list of considerations.

Deputy Chief Whip 1 of the House, Hon. Veronica Kadie Sesay thanked President Bio for his positive performance. She admonished the diplomatic nominees to go and project the good image of Sierra Leone to investors and asked the directors to go and direct positively. She comprehensively advised all the nominees to perform in the interest of the State.

Hon. Billo Shaw while contributing to the debate, advised the nominees to do due diligence to the State, in light of their performance. He spoke well about the appointee for SLTSC and added pieces of advice, relative to teacher replacement, quality recruitment, and special privileges for remote teachers. He also asked the ambassadors to market Sierra Leone.

Hon. Juliana Alimatu Fatorma said President Bio has done so much for the youths and suggested to the authorities to take youths abroad to learn practically and return home to implement the knowledge gained. She also suggested to the ambassadors to share their contacts with airlines, to save Sierra Leoneans who may envisage problems while traveling abroad. She used the opportunity to appeal to men to support women in power.

In rounding up the debate, the Acting Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Alfred Thompson spoke well about the nominees and drew the attention of the Ambassador to Qatar to look into matters relating to Sierra Leoneans working in that country and also try to protect them. He also advised the nominee for NMA to look into water pollution and find a solution. He gave similar advice to all the nominees.

Concluding the debate, the Acting Leader of Government Business recalled the interviews of the nominees and admonished them to perform well. He also advised them to accord MPs with respect. The Leaders vehemently advised the nominees to work in tandem with the President’s scorecard and deliver. “His Excellency relies on you and wants you to perform in the interest of the State” he concluded.

In his felicitation, the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu congratulated the nominees for their appointments. He expressed hope that they would deliver for the nation. The Speaker wished all the nominees well.