The Nineteenth Report of the Committee on Appointments and Public Service, chaired by the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Mathew Sahr Nyuma has on Tuesday, July 23d 2024, debated and unanimously approved by Parliament.

The following presidential nominees were approved by Parliament:

  1. Dr. Julius Fofanah Sandy, Sierra Leone’s High Commissioner to the Federal Republic of Nigeria

  2. Mr. Salamu Koroma, Ambassador Sierra Leone Embassy to the Islamic Republic of Iran and

  3. Mr. Mohamed Barrie, Ambassador of Sierra Leone to the Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia.

Presenting the Report, the Deputy Leader of Government Business, Hon.Bashiru Silikie told the Plenary that the Nominees were interviewed on oaths, live on media and on strict procedures including educational backgrounds, track records in pertinent work situations, asset declaration, tax obligations, and vision for productive tenures amongst others.

The Leader categorically told the Speaker and Hnourable Members that the Nineteenth Report reflects the unanimous view of the Committee.

Seconding the motion, the Opposition Whip, Hon. Abdul Karim Kamara said Sierra Leone was not short of human capacity and people with qualifications and noted that the Nominees were all fine citizens. The MP underscored the diplomatic ties between Nigeria and Sierra Leone and the many potential benefits both countries would gain. The MP used the opportunity to ask for an additional quota of Islamic pilgrim yearly for more compatriots. He encouraged the Ambassador to Iran to go and market the country’s potential to the latter.

The Deputy Chief Whip 2, Hon Neneh Lebbie from Bo District described the Nominees as eminent Sierra Leoneans and thanked them for their appointments. She recalled her relationship with Dr. Sandy from Saint Andrews Secondary School Bo and commended him for serving the nation. The MP stressed on the Nominee patriotism and generosity with a positive impact on lives. She called on the diplomates to promote bilateral relationships and bring new opportunities.

In his maiden speech, Hon. Paramount Chief Alameern Kanneh from Kenema District thanked Parliament for according Paramount Chiefs with the greatest respect and went on to eloquently heaped praises on Dr. Sandy. “I wouldn’t like to say much more because we all know him well,” he concluded.

Hon. Kemoko Conteh Deputy Chief Whip 2 of Opposition from Western Area described Salamu Koroma as a modest with unique characters. The MP reassured the House that he had no oita of doubts in the Nominee and described his credentials as equivalent to the new task. He recalled the bilateral and religious relationships and benefits both countries had enjoyed over the years.

Hon. Billoh Shaw from Falaba District said Dr. Sandy is a fatherly figure. While speaking about Mr. Mohamed Barrie he disclosed the good works of his predecessor and asked him to follow his footsteps.

He described Salamu Koroma as the best admin and with diligently personality. The MP continued to heap praises on him for his human relationship. He pleaded for some appointments for his Falaba people. He appealed to the Nominees to pledge their love and loyalties to Sierra Leone.

Hon. Bash Kamara, Caucus Leader from Karene on behalf of the people of Gbinti thanked President Bio for appointing Mr. Mohamed Barrie and spoke well about the Nominee. He assured the House that the Nominee will perform to the best of the President’s expectation. The MPs commended all the Nominees and asked the House to speedily approve them.

Rounding up the debate, Acting Leader of Opposition, Hon. Daniel Brima Koroma said the Nominees’ approval was not contentious, but the unanimously decision of the entire Committee.He recalled their interview with respect to Dr. Sandy, relative to the agreement between Sierra Leone and Nigeria on their students, reading in either country to be charged locally. He called on the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to pay attention on Sierra Leoneans seeking foreign employment in that county. He recalled the strong bilateral relationship between Iran and Sierra Leone and asked the Nominee to go and deliver. He used the opportunity to advise the Nominees to pay attention to compatriots living in those countries.

Concluding the debate, the Acting Leader of Government Business, Hon Bashiru Silikie thanked all those who contributed to the debate and informed the House that the Nominees were very impressive at the interview. He recalled and acknowledged the press releases by Dr. Sandy from State House. He used the opportunity to stress on the transient of office, life, and building human relations. He used the opportunity to say Mr. Salamu Koroma treated his former office on the predicate of building strong human relationship and asked others to emulate. He commended the Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and asked him to use his experience in tandem with economic diplomacy. He congratulated all of the Nominees and informed the House that their failures would adversely affect the nation.

In his felicitation, the Acting Speaker of Parliament Hon.Ibrahim Tawa Conteh advised the Ambassadors to ensure that they work diligently to promote economic diplomacies between and amongst the countries.