President Bio, in his speech at the opening of the 6th Parliament of the 2nd Republic, stated, “Five years ago, I stood before this Parliament, presenting my Government’s New Direction Manifesto and pledging to honour critical promises.

He further emphasized, “Despite facing unprecedented challenges, my Government resolutely fulfilled most of those promises, even amidst global shocks that have impacted the cost of living.”

Regarding the government’s efforts in local food production, job creation, and public servants’ livelihoods, President Bio asserted, “Through strategic policy interventions and investments, we have shielded our people from the adverse effects.”

On the progress of Sierra Leone’s Human Capital Development, the President declared, “To any impartial observer, Sierra Leone is a nation markedly better off today than it was five years ago. Across every indicator, our prioritisation of Human Capital Development has borne fruit.” He added, “In the realm of healthcare, we have surpassed the health outcomes of many neighbouring countries, a testament to our unwavering commitment to the well-being of our citizens.”

President Bio highlighted the government’s dedication to empowering women and girls, stating, “Moreover, we have dedicated special attention to empowering women and girls, ensuring their meaningful participation in every facet of life, from education to politics, and safeguarding their social protection.”

Lastly, presenting the New Direction: Consolidating the Gains and Accelerating Transformation Agenda, President Bio expressed, “With great honour, I present the New Direction: Consolidating the Gains and Accelerating Transformation Agenda. This ambitious vision builds upon the principles outlined in the 2023 People’s Manifesto of the SLPP.”

He added, “This agenda encapsulates the spirit of progress, seizing the newfound opportunities we have forged while confronting emerging challenges and propelling Sierra Leone towards middle-income status by 2035.”

President Bio’s passionate words reflect the government’s commitment to fulfilling promises and steering Sierra Leone towards a brighter future