Police personnel nationwide have received six months of rice supply, according to usually reliable sources within the Police force. This news has been corroborated by a spokesman supplier, Bella Trading Company.
Senior Police personnel at Police Headquarters have confirmed that Bella Trading Company continues to supply them with a better quality of rice.
The Police senior cadre has praised Bella Trading Company for rescuing a very difficult situation that they were grappling with.
“This is the first time in the history of the Sierra Leone Police that our personnel is getting six months of rice supply at one go…This is commendable”, a Police spokesman said.
Police personnel has expressed thanks and appreciation to the new Inspector General of Police, William Fayia Sellu, for his compassionate leadership style.
They have also praised the owners of Bella Trading Company for consistently supplying them with good quality rice.
So far, one hundred thousand bags of good quality rice have been supplied to Police personnel across the country.