Sierra Leone’s President, Dr Julius Maada Bio has crowned thirteen elected Paramount Chiefs at the Kambia District, the North West Province of Sierra Leone.

According to Sarah Kallay, these Paramount Chiefs whom hails from different districts such as Moyamba, Bo, Tonkolili, Koinadugu, Karene, Falaba, Kambia, and Pujehun districts, were traditionally crowned and given staffs of office.

In the Ceremony, President Bio described the importance of Paramount Chiefs as foundations of democracy and rule of law, adding that they are a bridge between the central government and the people, without which leadership will prove unbinding, given the respect accorded to traditional heads by people.

He encouraged the new Chiefs and others gathered to capitalize on government’s implemented policies such as the free quality education and administrative reforms as this he says will benefit all, regardless of political belonging.

He thanked the former Vice President Victor Bockarie Foh and Alhaji Alpha Kanu who are members of the opposition but have joined in what President Bio termed as national matters for the furtherance of peace, unity and stability.