The Sierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission (SLEWRC) has received request from the Electricity Distribution and Supply Agency (EDSA) to invite stakeholders and the public to review the revised rate proposal.
According to Section 45 of the Act 2011 established and made provision for Sierra Leoneans who are affected by the services of institution to be heard. This also involves the commission taking into consideration recommendations from consumers before any final rates are approved.
With regards to the Act of 2011, SLEWRC would like to invite stakeholders and the general public to review the revised rate proposal submitted by EDSA and forward comments to SLEWRC. This means the public should look at the rate proposal review and submit their opinions to SLEWRC.
As time is very precious, SLEWRC wishes to also inform the public that, in relations to reviewing the rates proposal and comments submitted, a timeframe has been scheduled. Whosever wishes to contribute to the review has a time range from Tuesday May 14, 2022 to Tuesday June, 14, 2022.
SLEWRC also wishes to let the public to know tht, comments can be sent by text and WhatsApp to: +232-78-35-92-99 or by letter addressed to: The Director General, SLEWRC, 55 Berwick Street, Freetown.