A same-sex couple in Sierra Rutile, Moriba Town, Imperi Chiefdom, Bonthe District, southern Sierra Leone, has been banished from the community following their wedding ceremony last week.

Community and religious leaders held a meeting on Monday and took several actions including banishing the couple from the town.

BBC’s Umaru Fofona reports that they also indefinitely suspended the pastor who allegedly presided over the ceremony, and put out a notice for someone who was heard in a video celebrating the union by shouting “ebebebebebebe!!”

The Public Relations Officer of the group, Mamadu Allieu Shaw, told me that they’d also resolved that the couple should not be employed anywhere around the mineral-rich area.

The pastor reportedly apologized, claiming he only blessed the cake and didn’t realize it was a wedding, believing it to be a birthday celebration.

Local authorities have also closed the bar where the ceremony took place. A task force has been established to ensure all measures are enforced.

Meeting attendees reportedly included pastors, a Catholic priest, an imam, a local chief, and youth leaders.

There has been no public response from Sierra Leone’s LGBTQ+ community at this time.