A same-sex couple in Sierra Rutile, Moriba Town, Imperi Chiefdom, Bonthe District, southern Sierra Leone, has been banished from the community following their wedding ceremony last week.
Community and religious leaders held a meeting on Monday and took several actions including banishing the couple from the town.
BBC’s Umaru Fofona reports that they also indefinitely suspended the pastor who allegedly presided over the ceremony, and put out a notice for someone who was heard in a video celebrating the union by shouting “ebebebebebebe!!”
The Public Relations Officer of the group, Mamadu Allieu Shaw, told me that they’d also resolved that the couple should not be employed anywhere around the mineral-rich area.
The pastor reportedly apologized, claiming he only blessed the cake and didn’t realize it was a wedding, believing it to be a birthday celebration.
Local authorities have also closed the bar where the ceremony took place. A task force has been established to ensure all measures are enforced.
Meeting attendees reportedly included pastors, a Catholic priest, an imam, a local chief, and youth leaders.
There has been no public response from Sierra Leone’s LGBTQ+ community at this time.
The actions taken are awesome 👌.
Our population is very small, we can’t afford, any 2 same person to follow those countries that are on population reduction system to create any artificial slow in our population. Wuna dae nor get anything, go fallah dirty Whiteman style.
Good job! 👏🏿👍🏿
Great move.
Evil all over the nation
Man nor want them again
So Them decide this
Their names should have announced to the public so they can be given settlement in another community.
Consider the pastor”s apology
Kush at work
Able men are sleeping, ladies are engaging themselves.
What a confused generation
A great move by the community and religious leaders. That pastor’s suspension must stand still because he’s most aware of the ceremony. How could he say “I only blessed the cake 🎂 thinking it’s a birthday”?.
If na me na bin the head of state na death sentence ar for bin gi them.
What a mess in this country
Wow what a shame
The president is aware of what’s happening he is just pretending not to know. This is one of the conditions he went to beg in America cause American and lots of Europeans supports this.
That’s y he allowed it in his own village.
South east are good in setting bad examples i. e civil war started in kailahun, to overthrown a sitting president is done by South easterners etc….
Government should take action on that, because is not our culture 🧫
In the name of Jesus I bind every same sex marriage in Sierra Leone in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Acculturation all the way
Good move it’s in our culture and should not be encouraged period.!!
It’s not our way and should not be encouraged period!!!
😲This is shocking news !!!! too sad to hear about that😳…
IT IS DISCRIMINATION… People that are feeling POWER against other people who like to be who they are just as everyone else…to live in FREEDOM ..and do what they feel in their HEART 💓 And I feel sorry with these people with this short brain vision who are DOMINATES over other people’s lives, Who do they think they are 🤔 and to have that kind of power to do that ???
You .. African people, should have to know about what it means to have freedom, even more than me ..Stop with the old bad behaviour of giving so much mental pain to others to shutting them out of society…live and let life and don’t hurts anyone…LOVE IS THE BASIC OF EVERYTHING to think Right by the grace of God Almighty
😲Dit is schokkend nieuws!!!! te triest om dat te horen😳…
HET IS DISCRIMINATIE… Mensen die MACHT voelen tegenover andere mensen die graag willen zijn wie ze zijn, net als iedereen…om in VRIJHEID te leven…en te doen wat ze voelen in hun HART 💓 En ik heb medelijden met deze mensen met deze korte hersenvisie die DOMINEREN over de levens van andere mensen, wie denken ze dat ze zijn 🤔 en om dat soort macht te hebben om dat te doen ???
Jullie… Afrikaanse mensen zouden moeten weten wat het betekent om vrijheid te hebben, zelfs meer dan ik. Stop met het oude slechte gedrag van het geven van zoveel mentale pijn aan anderen om hen uit de samenleving te sluiten… leef en laat leven en niemand pijn doen…LIEFDE IS DE BASIS VAN ALLES om goed te denken bij de genade van de Almachtige God
What a shame to the bonthe district