In response to heightened public concern, Saturday, June 15th, 2024, saw extensive security patrols across key districts of Freetown, namely Tombo, Waterloo, and East End. This proactive measure aimed to reassure citizens amidst apprehensions over rumored protests.

The authorities, led by local police and security forces, emphasized the safety of residents and dispelled fears of any imminent threat. “We are vigilant and prepared to maintain peace and order,” assured Police Officers, addressing reporters during a briefing at Freetown Central Police Station.

The patrols, characterized by heightened visibility and strategic deployment, sought to preemptively address potential unrest. Businesses and residents in the affected areas expressed gratitude for the visible presence of law enforcement, contributing to a sense of calm and security.

The assurance came amid circulating rumors on social media platforms regarding planned demonstrations, though specific details remained unverified. Local officials urged the public to remain cautious and report any suspicious activity promptly, emphasizing the importance of community cooperation in maintaining public safety.

“This is a precautionary measure to ensure everyone feels safe and secure,” remarked from a Military officer, underscoring the collaborative effort between police, military, and community stakeholders.