In a tense yet peaceful Declaration of Rights Ceremony held on Saturday, 12th October 2024, in the headquarter town of Mabang, the Provincial Secretary of the Northeast region declared seven aspirants eligible to contest the upcoming Paramount Chieftaincy elections in Kholifa Mabang Chiefdom, Tonkolili District.

The seven aspirants are;

Alfred Bai Carew,
Sheikh Imran Kamara,
Augustine Kamara,
John Speedo kamara,
Mohamed Raka kamara
Burning Mark Kamara and Patrick Kamara.

After almost a decade without one, the Chiefdom will hold elections to elect its new Paramount Chief on the 26th October 2024.

The seven Candidates were declared eligible after the Tribal Authorities of Kholifa Mabang Chiefdom confirmed their rights to the throne in front of the authorities. Inside the Chiefdom Court Barry filled with Tribal Authorities who are the electorates, well wishers and supporters, each of the aspirants who are now candidates narrated how they’re connected to the throne.

Some of the candidates are sons and grandsons of past Paramount Chiefs. After declaring their intention and explaining their connection to the throne, the Local Government Ministry officials and the two Assessor Chiefs will ask the Tribal Authorities to confirm whether or not they’re rightful claimants of the Kholifa Mabang Chiefdom Paramount Chieftaincy.

This was how exactly the seven men became the eligible candidates to contest the forthcoming Chieftaincy elections.

Kholifa Mabang Chiefdom is one of the poorest communities in Sierra Leone and the majority of the people there are living in abject despite having boli lands viable for agriculture.

For many people in the Chiefdom, the Tribal Authorities who are required to vote by law should ensure they vote in a candidate whose vision and Passion is to ensure the Chiefdom and the people prosper.

The Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone has declared campaigns open.