The Students Anti-Violence Movement and the Sierra Leone Police are in constructive collaboration in preaching out the gospel truth about non-violence and excessive drugs abuse among youths and children in Sierra Leone.
Today, a school tour which was rightly organised by the Students Anti-Violence Movement along with the Sierra Leone Police started at the Methodist Boys High school on the motive of preaching non-violence and abstainment from excessive drug abuse in society.
By virtue of expression, Sierra Leone has faced a lot of issues in relation to violence which has made our country to be removed from the West Africa most peaceful countries record book to be the bottom. Whereas, political violence is on the increase as a result of excessive drug abuse among youths and children.
That being said, as a nation, it should always be at the fore corners of our minds that violence is not an option, and therefore, we should at all cost embrace peace despite our differences. With peace, we can build the Sierra Leone we are anticipating in the future. In summary, The Students Anti-Violence Movement, as one of the non-profit organizations in the country at present, thought fit that most of the people that are involved into violence are young people precisely youths and children. Therefore, they aim at preaching non-violence among youths and children. That’s to say, They have toured over 50 schools in Freetown in making sure that violence get eradicated among our youth and children in our country.
The Students Anti-Violence Movement is encouraging every Citizen to be non-violent despite the differences. Violence mostly start when we fail to accept other’s opinions, feelings and their right of belonging.
We will be able to achieve if only we choose to follow the path of peace, Unity, harmony and love. A peaceful dialogue doesn’t call for fight. Students Anti-Violence Movement is encouraging to abstain from violence for the safetyness of our beloveth country and future of unborn children.
STAVIM say; Try Not To Be Violent.