A simmering boundary encroachment attempt by Guinea military officers has escalated, leading to contention between the RSLAF and Guinean Armed Forces (GAF) over a piece of land called “Saraboli Salone” in Masineh Community, Dixing Chiefdom, Kambia District.

From Sunday, June 16th, to Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, Guinean Armed Forces (GAF) made provocative visits to the contested area. In response, ONS District Coordinator Joshua Bockarie and Lieutenant Colonel Kamara of the 11th Infantry Battalion, accompanied by local authorities including town chiefs of Masineh, swiftly visited the scene to verify the reports.

Upon arrival, Chief Kokorioko presented evidence to ONS and RSLAF, reaffirming that the contested land (“Sarabolie Salone”) rightfully belongs to Sierra Leone.

Sources close to the incident allege that GAF personnel even attempted to disarm the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) they encountered, but were unsuccessful. This tense situation prompted ONS Coordinator Mr. Joshua Bockarie, Military Commander Lieutenant Colonel Kamara, and senior military officials to seek diplomatic intervention.

Following a peaceful engagement meeting, the Guinean Commandant reportedly apologized for the incident and promised to address the deployment of his men in that part of “Sarabolie Salone”.

The incident has raised concerns among peacekeepers and community members in the border region, who have called on both countries to exercise restraint and pursue peaceful negotiations to resolve the attempted boundary encroachment.

“The well-being and security of our communities depend on peaceful coexistence,” emphasized the Town Chief of Masineh Community. “We urge the governments of Sierra Leone and Guinea to engage in constructive dialogue and find a diplomatic solution to this conflict.

“It is worth noting that boundary disputes between Sierra Leone and Guinea date back to the colonial era. After gaining independence, the two countries inherited a poorly demarcated border from their colonists, which has been a longstanding source of tension.

Over the years, numerous attempts have been made to resolve the dispute over land encroachment between Sierra Leone and Guinea, but progress has been slow. The latest incident underscores the urgent need for comprehensive and permanent solutions, including clear and definitive boundary demarcation to prevent future conflicts.

The boundary encroachment attempt at Sarabolie Salone is a complex and sensitive issue that demands a multifaceted approach. Sierra Leone and Guinea must work together to peacefully resolve this alarming issue and prevent further escalation. Diplomatic negotiations, community outreach, and clear border demarcation are essential steps toward a sustainable solution.