The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) recently held its Regional Assessment for the district winners of the 2024 Presidential National Best Teacher Awards in the Southern Region

The Assessment featuring four winners each from primary and secondary school categories representing Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba, and Pujehun.

An esteemed panel composed of representatives from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Audit Service Sierra Leone, local councils, and the Sierra Leone Teachers Union (SLTU) oversaw the evaluation process, ensuring unbiased adjudication.

Emmanuel Maada Moriba from Bo District won in the primary school category, while Sulaiman A. Sengeh secured victory in the secondary school category.

Moriba, from B.T.C Experimental Primary School, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to represent the region, while Sengeh, the principal of Centennial Secondary School in Bonthe District, viewed his achievement as a significant milestone in his 35-year career.

Madam Marian Abu, Director of Teacher Management at TSC, emphasized the awards’ importance, initiated by President Bio in 2018 to recognize dedicated educators.

She thanked the panelists for their efforts and announced that the National Competition would take place on October 5, coinciding with World Teachers’ Day, in Bo City.

Past winners received financial incentives and land, and Abu assured that this year’s edition would be even more significant.