Bishop Emeritus Joseph Christian Humper, a revered figure within the United Methodist Church community in Sierra Leone, passed away yesterday in Freetown at the age of 75.

His life was a testament to unwavering faith and dedicated service, leaving behind a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come.

Born in the village of Somway-Kenema in Sierra Leone’s Southern Province, Bishop Humper’s journey was one of devotion to God and his people. He pursued theological education with fervor, attending institutions such as the Bible Training Institute in Bo, Trinity College in Legon, Ghana, and Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where he garnered accolades and distinctions.

Throughout his career, Bishop Humper served in numerous roles within the United Methodist Church, including Conference Youth Director and Bishop’s Chaplain. His leadership extended beyond the church, with notable positions such as President of the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone and President of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone, where he worked tirelessly to foster understanding and unity among diverse faith communities.

In 1992, Bishop Humper was elected to the episcopacy by the West Africa Central Conference, assuming the role of Bishop of the Sierra Leone Area during one of the nation’s most challenging periods—the civil war. Despite the adversity, he provided spiritual guidance and solace to those in need, demonstrating grace under pressure.

Beyond his pastoral duties, Bishop Humper played a crucial role in promoting reconciliation and healing in Sierra Leone. As the former Chairperson of the Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission, he contributed significantly to the nation’s journey towards peace and forgiveness, leaving an indelible mark on its history.

Bishop Joseph C. Humper’s personal life was marked by his marriage to Nancy Mamie Humper and their four children: James, Josephine, Joseph, and Marvel. His family stood as a pillar of support throughout his endeavors, embodying the values of love and compassion that defined his life’s work.

Funeral arrangements for Bishop Humper will be announced in due course, allowing his community and loved ones to come together to honor his memory and celebrate his life. May his legacy continue to inspire acts of kindness and service, and may his soul find eternal peace in the embrace of the divine.