The US Embassy in Freetown has urged Sierra Leone to strengthen the democratic institutions as both the All People’s Congress (APC) and Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) political parties are essential to the survival of Democracy in the country.

The US embassy emphasized the critical role of strong and constructive opposition in maintaining democratic institutions. They expressed growing concerns regarding the absence of the All People’s Congress (APC) from local and national elected bodies in Sierra Leone, deeming it a burgeoning crisis.

The statement reads, “Democratic institutions cannot long survive without a robust, constructive opposition. The continued absence of the APC from local and national elected bodies is a growing crisis. Leadership and compromise will be essential to ensure that the ongoing mediated dialogue resolves this impasse and moves Sierra Leone forward.”

This declaration underscores the embassy’s call for leadership and compromise to address the political impasse and foster national progress through mediated dialogue.

The statement has garnered attention both domestically and internationally, sparking discussions about the state of democracy in Sierra Leone and the necessity of a strong opposition for its sustenance. The hope is that this message will encourage political leaders to come together and find a solution to the current situation, ultimately strengthening the country’s democratic foundations.