Former Vice President of Sierra Leone, Victor Bockarie Foh, has paid an emotional tribute to the late Lebanese twin brothers, Hassan Hussien Hashim, also known as Abu Hamza, and Hashim Hussein Hashim.

The twins, who were prominent business figures and diplomats in Sierra Leone, were remembered by Foh for their significant contributions to the country and their close personal relationship with him.

In his tribute, Foh reflected on his decades-long friendship with the twins, which began in the early 1970s when Kenema was a major diamond hub, home to many successful Lebanese businessmen involved in the diamond and produce trade.

Foh recalled how the twins lived with their uncle, Elder Hashim Hashim, and were part of a community of respected Lebanese figures such as Abdallah Ezeden, Kamel Mansour, and FT Saad, among others.

“I lived with the two late twins in their doublet house at No. 12 Hanga Road in Kenema,” Foh shared, noting their strong adherence to the Muslim faith and their deep familial bonds. He also spoke fondly of how his wife, Mrs. Jonta Foh, helped raise the twins’ children, Hamza, Nour, and Ali, who are now successful individuals in their own right.

Foh recounted the unique bond the identical twins shared, including their decision not to travel on the same airplane for fear of a joint tragedy, and their uncanny ability to exchange passports without being detected due to their striking resemblance.

He recalled a poignant moment during their final days, when the family made a video call while the twins were in intensive care in Lebanon, asking for his prayers as they lay speechless.

The former Vice President highlighted the twins’ immense contributions to the development of Sierra Leone, particularly through their involvement in the diamond and produce trade, and their establishment of the Capitol Cinema House and Hotel in Kenema.

“For decades, the twin brothers were dignified symbols of business partnership,” Foh noted, emphasizing their role in the economic growth of the Eastern region.

Foh called upon all Sierra Leoneans to honor the memory of Hassan and Hashim Hashim by upholding their legacy of friendship, dedication, and service to the nation.

“They were true businessmen, a storehouse of virtues that Sierra Leoneans hold dearly, and positive thoughts that must be entrenched among all who aspire to build a modern Sierra Leone.”

Concluding his tribute, Foh, alongside his wife, extended heartfelt condolences to the Hashim family and friends, mourning the “irreparable loss” of the twin brothers.

“May Allah grant them Aljanatul Firdaus,” he prayed, offering his final respects to two men who left an indelible mark on the history and development of Sierra Leone.