Hon. Alhaji Ibrahim Ben Kargbo, a very senior comrade and Chairman of the APC committee that investigated the former Vice President, Chief Alhaji Sam Sumana has in a press conference publicly disclosed that during the investigation process of the former Vice President, they relied upon the testimonies of four senior comrades to take the decision to expel the former Vice President from the party and subsequently as Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone.

He added that all these four people who made those baseless and unfounded allegations against the former Vice President have already reconciled with him although he failed to mention their names maybe for personal reasons.

However, this latest bombshell by the chairman himself of the investigating committee has opened Pandora’s box for a deeper investigation into the entire inner works of the very investigating committee.

Here are some few grey areas of concern for investigators

  1. Who selected the panel of investigators?
  2. How transparent was the selection process?
  3. How credible were the four witnesses?
  4. Was there any malice between the former Vice President and any of the witnesses?
  5. Why were all the four witnesses from only one particular district- Kono?
  6. We’re the witnesses allegations counter verified to ascertain their credibility?
  7. Was the committee working under any special directive or influence from above? 8. Was Sam Suman given the opportunity to defend himself before the committee?
  8. Was former President Ernest Koroma misled by both the investigating committee and NAC which warranted him to unprecedentedly sack his democratically elected Vice President?
  9. Now that the Chairman of the Committee has spilled the beans by saying the whole truth and nothing else but the truth, what should be the way forward for both the APC party and the nation?, remember there is an ECOWAS Court ruling against the State which is yet to be honored.

Political Commentators who listened to Hon. I. B. Kargbo’s Confession was shocked and disappointed that senior government Ministers who were placed in charge of running the affairs of our country could go so low in publicly lying against a democratically elected Vice President Vice President from the same political party.

Hon. I. B. Kargbo’s Confession is just the beginning of another long drawn political and legal battle from both within and without the party, opined a senior APC party comrade.