The Sierra Leone telecom sector is currently facing lots of challenges and problems because of high cost of fuel, inflation and tax obligations but inspite of all these, Orange continues to thrive and leaves other competitors trailing behind.
Judging by current telecommunications trends, digital penetration, Orange enjoys a customer base of over 1.3 million subscribers.
Arguably, the mobile company can currently attain the position as the best network provider in the country because of the services that it provides.
There are different mobile networks providers that are prevalent in the Sierra Leone market.As far as coverage is concerned, Orange tops the table as it has wider coverage and is even accessible in most rural areas. It could be the favourite among Sierra Leonean subscribers because of it’s clarity and cost-efficient services. The quality , speed and stability has been top-notch.
The term “global village” has become more and more important that everyone who possesses one should have the best of network operator because its very important to their business, career, or education.
Sinc their arrival in 2016, Orange mobile company has remained committed to keep the people of Sierra Leone abreast with superior Network quality. Orange now provides services that includes midnight Kola, Orange Money , cloud services, University Fees payment in their quest to achieve digital penetration and bridge the gap in the country’s digital divide.
As part of it Corporate Social Responsibility, the company digital center has been providing support and training for women in basic commercial and financial management including digital and office tools.
Trailining behind this is the renovation of the Kroo Bay Community health Center to promote free Maternal health care in one of Freetown’s most populated slum community.