Former Anti-Corruption Commissioner and member of the All People’s Congress (APC), Ady Macauley, has accused Sierra Leone police of being involved in the arrest of prominent members of the main opposition party, the All People’s Congress (APC).

According to Ady Macauley, a series of arrests have taken place, with at least five APC members being apprehended in recent days.

Ady goes on to explain that the situation became even more concerning when Tamba Koroma, a nominated Councillor for Western Rural and an APC member, received a distress call. Koroma claimed that he had been asked to report to the Waterloo police station. Before he could fully process the call, Arthur Pearce, another APC member, contacted him with a similar story. Pearce reported that the police had forcefully entered his vehicle and demanded that he accompany them to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

Ady further states that the police must decide whether to maintain their reputation as a professional law enforcement agency or risk being seen as a tool of the ruling party. The decision they make will have significant implications for the country’s political climate and the public’s trust in law enforcement.

These incidents have raised serious questions about the impartiality and professionalism of the Sierra Leone Police. The APC has accused the police force of acting as a biased security apparatus for the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP). The party argues that the police’s actions indicate a deliberate targeting of APC members, which undermines the principles of a democratic society.

The arrests of opposition party members have sparked widespread concern among the public, with many questioning the motives behind these actions. Supporters of the APC argue that such behavior undermines the credibility of the police force and poses a threat to the country’s democratic institutions.

The APC and its supporters are demanding a thorough investigation into these incidents, urging the authorities to ensure the independence of the police force and hold accountable those responsible for any misconduct. They emphasize the importance of fair and impartial treatment of all political parties and their members, regardless of their affiliations.