The All people’s Congress has in a press release sighted several strategies as to what they thought ECSL and other security apparatus are using to boycott the election.

They named Results Management System, District Level Certification, Early Voting, Voters Register, Results Reconciliation Form (RRF), Violence and Eligibility of the Commissioners as the vocal points that they thought have been breached by the ECSL and other security apparatus.

In the release, the APC also stated the summary to the issues they resided. They said “Introduction of a new, untested electronic application (APP) without consultation with or the knowledge of other political parties. New APPS recently introduced for the mid-term census, the voter registration process and candidate nomination process were fraught with challenges and failures.”

They also sighted “Abrogation of electoral laws (especially by-passing District certification of results) and the introduction of two RRFS that could enable and facilitate electoral fraud,  lack of responsiveness and independence of the judiciary in respect of electoral and political cases, Non-eligibility of the Chief Electoral Commissioner, The APC demands an audit of the Voters Register by an independent firm, Intimidation and violence directed at APC candidates and supporters by SLPP operatives especially in the South East.These attacks have been planned and perpetuated by the SLPP with full backing from the security forces,” They claimed.
in the end they provided an example of an happening in Kenema District on 7th June 2023:

They said that the APC flag bearer and APC’s running mate stopped from traveling along a designated route that had been pre- approved by the Sierra Leone Police; The APC Party office on Hangar Road was attacked; and The APC Campaign Manager’s vehicle was badly vandalised leading to one of the passengers sustaining severe injuries.

Below is the release: