Member of parliament for the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) party, Hon. Abdul Kargbo has highlighted some irregularities that happen after the June 24th, 2023 elections to supporters of the APC party.
Hon. Kargbo claimed that hundreds of APC supporters were taken to prison and still detained, with a lot of houses belonging to their supporters vandalized.
Hon. Kargbo also claimed that the June 24th elections were marred with fraud and unfairness and that it has the propensity of undermining democratic values and will not sea t good precedent for governments on the waiting.
He stated that the entire electioneering process was stage-managed from the onset hencitsit outcome didn’t reflect the will of the people.
He noted that in a democracy people should have confidence in institutions and should know that the outcomes of elections results should reflect their wishes.
He said that the APC is always open to dialogue, indicating that dialogue is key to highlighting some critical concerns of the party.
He said the APC will not sweep their concerns under the carpet all in the name of Sierra Leone, and if they do, the people’s confidence will be eroded, and the ECSL won’t take them seriously.
What is not understood is the claims and counter-claims of electoral frauds as alleged, but no One is coming out with tangible evidence to show these anomalies. Whose statement or idea do we follow, words without proofs or clear, sincere and honest persons with a purpose.
The ECSL commissioner has this on him. He should just do justice to himself and the people of this country by publishing the disintegrated elections results for the world to see. That is the only solution.
The apc and it’s disgruntled supporters are lost of proof all they are relying on is baseless propaganda, this purported liar and political bigot is claiming that hundreds of houses were vandalised and hundreds of their party loyalists were incarcerated. Can he show us where this spate of violence occurred? I believe he is a Sierra Leonean that knows the districts, towns and villages in their purported strongholds that his alleged vandalism and incarceration was done. This so called bastered and shameless honourable should be bold enough to tell us the names of towns and regions that his assertion was believed to have happened. The act of these apc bigots is a complete disservice to this country.
If his claims and assertions were true, the international community would have aired it. This abdul kargbo lier should now his head in shame.
Dishonourable Abdul Kargbo even stated boldly that they, the APC, cannot sweep their grievances under the carpet JUST in the name of SIERRA LEONE. Can you beat that? Unpatriotic!
As discussed severally, only the ECSL has constitutional rights to come out boldly to the nation and publishing the disaggregated elections results not an individual, so let’s forget about APC bringing out their proofs (results) which can only happens in a democratic and proper judicial system not kankaroo Court
A situation were Some of the people of this country cannot Make bost of an important institution like ECSL which is suppose to be one of the back bone of any democratic state cannot answer to a simple task that can foster Peace among all political parties stakeholders and party supporters hmmmm am afraid ooo
Sierra Leonean’s will never ever know peace, until proper Justice ⚖️, transparency manifest instantly now