Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has made a noteworthy commitment to engage in dialogue with the main opposition party, the All People’s Congress (APC) with a condition that his government’s demands are met.

This commitment was revealed on Sunday by Aja Fatoumata Jallow-Tambajang, the former Vice President of The Gambia who doubles as the lead facilitator of the mediation dialogue, supported by the Commonwealth, ECOWAS, and African Union.

President Bio’s assurance to participate in the dialogue process signals a willingness to find common ground and seek peaceful solutions to the country’s political challenges. However, this commitment is not unconditional, as President Bio has attached a key requirement.

The much-anticipated crucial dialogue between the Government of Sierra Leone and its opposition, All People’s Congress (APC) kicked off on Monday, October 16, 2023. The three-day dialogue is holding at the Bintumani Hotel in Freetown.

It’s worth noting that the APC previously rejected the June 24 election results, citing significant irregularities and breaches of electoral procedures. As a result, they opted out of participating in governance across various tiers, including the legislature and local councils.

Supporters of the APC are now eagerly awaiting a potential re-run of the June 24 elections. On the other hand, supporters of the incumbent government are confident that there won’t be another election, asserting that the results announced by the Chief Electoral Commissioner of the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) will stand. They emphasize that the ECSL is an autonomous entity responsible for finalizing election outcomes.

Aja Fatoumata Jallow-Tambajang, who is leading the mediation efforts, stressed the importance of prioritizing the nation’s welfare over individual or party interests.

In a meeting with journalists and civil society organizations, she emphasized that Sierra Leone’s unity and prosperity should take precedence over any other considerations. “Sierra Leone is bigger than anyone,” she asserted, underscoring the significance of working together for the greater good of the country as the dialogue process unfolds.

The mediated dialogue between the Sierra Leonean government and the APC is expected to be a pivotal moment in the nation’s political landscape, as stakeholders come together to address critical issues and work towards a more harmonious and stable future.

The conditions set by President Bio, while emphasizing the need for a balanced and fair agreement, reflect a commitment to the democratic process and conflict resolution. As the talks progress, the eyes of the nation and the international community remain focused on the outcomes of this significant dialogue.