The national deputy Chairman of the All Peoples Congress (APC) party Amb. Osman Foday Yansaneh has confirmed to his supporters that the Party will not accept any result covered in secrecy.

He made this statement today Sunday 25th June while addressing APC supporters that were at the ECSL Regional Tally Center at the Azzonlini highway in Makeni.

He admitted that as a responsible chairman he came because of the situation at the tallying Center as supporters of the main opposition calling for projections before tallying.

He admitted that ignoring to address the situation will be a height of irresponsible from his side.

Mr Yansansaneh said, “We will not accept any result that is covered in Secrecy. We will not accept a result that is not Transparent, and transparency covers the interest of all Participating Political Parties.”

He further admitted that they are following the law and they should expect a statement from their leader soon. He affirmed that the bucks currently stops with their leader Dr. Samura Kamara.

The supporters were with placards of different written inscriptions demanding for the projections of the tallying process at the above mentioned tally center.