Following the polling day held on June 24, the All Peoples Congress (APC) presidential candidate, Samura Matthew Wilson Kamara has raised concerns over the electoral process and vowed to reject any skewed results. 

In a statement issued today by Kamara, the APC raised concerns about the transparency and fairness of the electoral process.

The APC presidential candidate thanked and congratulated Sierra Leoneans for their active participation in the elections, emphasizing the importance of the democratic process. However, he expressed disappointment over the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone’s (ECSL) resistance to utilizing projectors during the tallying of results, hindering the ability of political parties to compare, reconcile, and verify the Recorded Result Forms (RRFS) from polling centers.

To ensure transparency and dual verification of results, the APC party had requested the ECSL to employ projectors for tallying, a widely accepted best practice.

Kamara highlighted the significance of this stage in protecting the voters’ choice and voiced concern over the ECSL’s denial of this opportunity. The APC is determined to uphold the principles of transparent, free, fair, and credible elections.

Furthermore, the APC criticized the ECSL for obstructing their representatives from fully participating in the tallying process at regional tally centers in Port Loko, Makeni, and Wellington.

Party representatives were allegedly confined behind glass barriers without access to the main halls, making it difficult to monitor the process effectively. The APC demanded that all tallied results be projected and called for the full involvement of their representatives in the tally process.

Addressing the broader West African community, Kamara urged ECOWAS to ensure that democracy does not erode further in the region, specifically highlighting the situation in Sierra Leone.

Amidst these concerns, Kamara reassured supporters and citizens that the APC party is on an unstoppable path toward a resounding victory.

He unequivocally stated that the party would not accept any manipulated or unverified results.

“Be rest assured that I and the APC party would not and shall not accept any skewed, manipulated and unverified results,” he started, adding that the APC seeks a smooth transition and urge the ECSL and all other stakeholders in the electoral process, including the security forces, to facilitate this.