Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr. who took over as Chairman of East End Lions Football Club almost four years ago in 2018 has affirmed that completing the trade center field ultra-modern stadium project ahead of the club’s one-hundred years celebration is a major goal of the current executive he spearheads.
Chairman Navo has officially launched the project at the trade center field Ferry Junction in Freetown which also marks the work commencement for the 7,000-capacity stadium and revealed that they are currently calculating the exact money that will complete the construction process “EE Lions will be 100yrs in 2028 and we are planning a huge celebration for the club and the stadium is the legacy I want to leave behind for my generation yet unborn” he avowed.
He added that the trade center field which has been the club’s traditional training ground will be the official venue for their home matches after the completion of the construction and therefore call on the supporters of the club to rally behind the executive “my expectation from the fans is for them to organize themselves very well and support the executive to achieve its goal” he noted.
Chairman Anthony Navo Jr. concluded by applauding the support of his Vice Chairman who is the owner of the leading indigenous road construction company Gento Group of Companies for providing his machines to facilitate the construction process “I will not end if I don’t thank my Vice Chairman Mohamed Gento Kamara who have provided all the machinery for the ongoing construction work at the trade center field” he ascribed