Ten Law graduates met with the boss of the National Sports Association (NSA), Dr. Emanuel Saffa Abdulai to bid farewell after they helped the Association in drafting three-sport regulations and other statutory reforms in a three-month engaging session.

The graduates were called on by Dr. Abdulai to help bolster his project for good sport governance, a component in his wide range of major reforms.

At the NSA office on Signal Hill Road on Wednesday, the interns broke into emotions while taking their leave of the Boss.

Speaking on behalf of the interns, Miss Sylvia Priscilla Princess Sheriff said they drafted regulations guiding the conduct of the Sport Development Fund, the Court of Arbitration, and the National Sports Basket Fund. “We are grateful for the opportunity that Dr. Abdulai provided us. We will not forget this in a hurry,” she added.

Responding, Dr. Abdulai thanked the interns on behalf of the NSA for their extraordinary service to the agency. “The work you did would have cost the NSA thousands of Leones had we hired a consultant.

“It is true that this job also provided you a unique opportunity to understand sport governance and gain knowledge in sport administration,” he said.

Regarding the outcome, Dr. Abdulai said he is pleased with what the interns have done and wished them well as they have all been admitted to the Law School of Sierra Leone.

On his governance style, Dr. Abdulai said under his leadership, the NSA has an open-door policy to give opportunity to young people as this grace was not exposed to them while they were growing up.

Sulaiman Gbla, another intern, expressed happiness for the opportunity to serve the NSA and said they are hopeful that one day they will be granted another chance to come again. “We will always support Dr. Abdulai in any venture he wants to undertake,” he said.

The National Sports Authority is an agency of the Government established by an Act of Parliament with the mandate to promote,  encourage,  develop, and supervise all sports and sporting activities in Sierra Leone and to provide for other related matters.