
Freetown International Airport (Lungi Airport)

Lungi Jet Bridges Arrive

Lungi Jet Bridges Arrive

SIERRA LEONE, Freetown - The final key component for the New Airport at Lungi, Jet Bridges, have arrived in Freetown. Rex Bhonapha, the Deputy Transport and Aviation Minister and Dr. John E. Tambi,...

New Lungi Airport Set to Complete Next Year

New Lungi Airport Set to Complete Next Year

Photos of the new Lungi airport which is reported to have been 75% completed are making rounds on social media. It is reported that the new airport will be fully completed in February next year. The...

Second Batch of Hajj Pilgrims Arrives in Freetown

Second Batch of Hajj Pilgrims Arrives in Freetown

After a successful Hajj in the Holy land of Mecca, the second batch of pilgrims has landed at the Lungi International Airport.The first batch arrived on Saturday morning. Hajj is the fifth pilar o Islam...


Skillz – Gangstar Party Ft. Boss La


    Anita SL – PeeP (Official Video)

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