The intelligence agencies of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Saturday July 13 2024 in a move to bolster regional security.

The high-level meeting, hosted by Sierra Leone’s Central Intelligence Security Agency (CISA) in Freetown, paves the way for enhanced cooperation and collaboration between the three nations’ intelligence services.

The MOU signifies a commitment to deeper information and intelligence sharing, along with the potential for joint operations when necessary. This collaborative approach aims to strengthen regional security and combat shared threats.

Sierra Leone’s Chief Minister, David Sengeh, delivered a keynote address during the meeting. He emphasized the country’s dedication to regional peace and security. “We are committed to making our region an oasis of peace,” Sengeh stated. He further assured the visiting delegations of President Bio’s unwavering leadership and support in achieving their collective aspirations for peace, national development, and a secure region.

This MOU signifies a significant step forward in fostering closer intelligence cooperation between Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia.