

New Sierra Leone – By Franklyn Toni Zorokong

New Sierra Leone – By Franklyn Toni Zorokong

Times of shades grey, blue white or red is passed When Lebanese, Jews, others clamour to take our diamonds in vase We though clad in tribes, have come to know No one but ourselves will make our country...

100 Buses Procurement Scandal – Who is Fooling Who?

100 Buses Procurement Scandal – Who is Fooling Who?

The procurement of our hundred new buses has pried open a Pandora box; shocking revelations keep coming. But we are more concerned about the fact that the Transport Minister’s explanation to Parliament...

Na You Snap Am?

Na You Snap Am?

My people come oh the worst has happened. Look at me shouting people when in actual fact I have nothing to do with humans but demons, Ariogbos and ancestors. This is shocking; this is not politics; this...

Today, it is Victor Foh. Tomorrow, it Might be You

Today, it is Victor Foh. Tomorrow, it Might be You

The depths that some Sierra Leoneans have fallen in moral depravity is becoming frightening. Sierra Leone, a country founded on religious principles, now holds the disgraceful distinction of nurturing...

Hearty President Jets in & Out of Lungi Airport

Hearty President Jets in & Out of Lungi Airport

For many years now, whenever the Sierra Leone Head of State is flying out for his annual routine medical check-ups, rumours would be spread by his detractors that he was seriously ill. This year is no...


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