Sierra Leone’s appointed Entertainment Ambassador, Kao Denero, recently expressed his desire for hip-hop rapper Boss La, also known as LAJ, to receive a presidential pardon.

During his interview with SL News Blog, Kao Denero conveyed his hopes of seeing Boss La released from prison to continue his music career.

He cautioned Boss La’s fans against casting blame, emphasizing the importance of the entertainment conference as a pivotal platform. Kao Denero stressed that the government expects entertainers to approach the office with respect and present their grievances appropriately. (

“I wish the President would pardon our brother LAJ,” remarked Kao Denero.

Kao Denero voiced concerns about the diminishing respect for his office and views the impending entertainment conference as an avenue to address these challenges. Encouraging participation, he urged fellow entertainers to unite at the conference to strategize on appealing to President Bio for Boss La’s pardon.

Drawing a line between professional rivalry and personal sentiments, Kao Denero clarified that he doesn’t see Boss La as a musical rival. Instead, he likens his own stature in the music scene to international rappers worldwide.