Popular comedian and artiste, Sara D Great has responded to the convicted murderer of DJ Clef, Baimba Moiforay commonly known as LAC after claiming that, he fed the comedian for over 16 years and he was surprised for seeing him fighting against him.

Sara D Great responded that, he was not fighting against LAC but he was fighting for justice. He added that even if his son is accused of murdering, he will still fight for justice. He made it clearing that he is fighting for DJ Clef.

He also responded to the claim of LAC that he fed him for over 16 years. Sara D Great stated that, he hosted the fugitive when he transferred to Freetown from Bo. He took care of him until he relocated at Savage Square at Fourah Bay Community. During their time together, he (Sara) was taking care of LAC.

Sara added that he didn’t give the knife to the fugitive to murder DJ Clef neither he accused him of killing the DJ. He concluded that he is fighting for justice and he will continue to fight for it.