Lorraine Pabs-Carnon is the pupil of The International School, located at Jomo Kenyatta Road, Freetown. While many at her age, thinks age is a factor to determine the limit of their success, Lorraine has pitched her tent with great people who are not only ready to make the world safe and comfortable but also achieved this at any age possible.
Lorraine hopes to become a doctor, in order to help people out and eradicate disease. Not only is she dreaming big like the rest of her peers, she tolls daily towards making this dream a reality. Her effort was gave her recognition recently, as she became the best National Primary School Examination Pupil for 2022.
Her excellence was recognized by Chozen Generation Sierra Leone, an award-winning youths advocacy and leadership development organization in the country, whose mission is to empower youths nationwide through the provision of relevant training opportunities mentoring coaching and support and imbibing in them strong moral values to enable them tackle the leadership challenges of Sierra Leone.
CGSL presented the Award of Excellence to Lorraine Pabs-Carnon at her school, The International School.