The swift and decisive intervention of Alpha Ben Mansaray, the Honorable Member of Parliament representing Moyamba District, proved instrumental in saving the life of a pregnant woman from Mokebie-Loko.

The woman had tragically lost her baby due to a delay in accessing an ambulance from the government health facility in the region.

Honourable Mansaray, acting promptly upon learning of the dire situation, secured an alternative means of transportation for the woman, ensuring a swift transfer to the Moyamba health facility. Thanks to his quick action, the mother received timely medical attention and is currently showing signs of recovery.

Expressing their profound gratitude, a spokesperson for the woman’s family extended heartfelt thanks to Honorable Mansaray for his compassionate and life-saving gesture. “We would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to Honorable Ben for his kind intervention,” the family representative stated.

The incident underscores the critical role of responsive leadership and immediate action in addressing healthcare challenges faced by communities, particularly in remote areas. Honorable Mansaray’s timely intervention has not only saved a life but also emphasized the need for efficient healthcare accessibility in Moyamba District and beyond.