Bryma Dao Samba, the recently elected chairman of the Pujehun District Bike Riders Union, Park One, is set to introduce a transformative change in the dress code for bike riders in the district and beyond.

Focused on enhancing professionalism and improving the public image of bike riders, Chairman Samba aims to implement a standardized dress code for all union members.

The proposed dress code aims to instill a sense of unity and identity among bike riders, fostering a safer and more respectful environment on the roads. Chairman Samba envisions specific requirements, including high-visibility vests, appropriate helmets, and protective gear, along with a distinctive logo or emblem representing the union.

Chairman Samba stated, “A standardized dress code will not only demonstrate our commitment to road safety but also help create a positive image of bike riders in our district and beyond.”

While some riders express enthusiasm for the proposed change, citing potential safety benefits and improved public perception, concerns have been raised regarding the financial implications of adhering to a new dress code.

Chairman Samba assures that consultations with bike riders, union members, and stakeholders will be held to gather opinions and suggestions before finalizing the dress code.

He emphasized the need for a balanced approach, considering practicality, affordability, and the overarching goal of promoting a more professional and respected bike riding community. Chairman Samba envisions the impact of the proposed dress code extending beyond Pujehun district, potentially serving as a model for other bike rider unions across the country.

Determined to bring about positive change, Chairman Bryma Dao Samba aims to elevate the status of bike riders in the region, creating a unified and responsible bike riding community prioritizing safety and professionalism on the roads.