In a shocking turn of events on May 8th, 2024, the tranquil community of Gendema Bo Waterside Sorogbema Chiefdom Pujehun district was thrust into turmoil as a driver, known locally as Saffa, allegedly committed a heinous act, leaving residents reeling in disbelief.
Reports indicate that Saffa, whose full identity remains undisclosed, purportedly engaged in a gruesome altercation.
The circumstances surrounding the incident are still shrouded in mystery, leaving both law enforcement officials and community members grasping for answers.
With the suspect reportedly fleeing the scene following the brutal assault, a frantic search has been launched by authorities and concerned citizens alike. The pursuit spans across the region as individuals band together in a concerted effort to bring the perpetrator to justice.
Amidst the chaos, the community finds itself grappling with a multitude of emotions, ranging from shock and horror to confusion and sorrow. Many are left questioning what could have driven a seemingly ordinary individual to commit such a heinous act, underscoring the need for a thorough investigation into the events leading up to the tragedy.
As the search for Saffa intensifies, authorities are urging anyone with information regarding his whereabouts to come forward, emphasizing the importance of swift action in apprehending the suspect and ensuring that justice is served for the victim and her loved ones.
In the wake of this senseless act of violence, the tight-knit community of Gendema Bo Waterside is left to mourn the loss of one of its own, grappling with the harsh reality of domestic strife and the profound impact it has wrought upon their lives.
What a weaked world is this, my sister may your soul rest in peace😭😭😭😭.he who did that to you soon received the consiconsi of that 😭😭😭😭
This absolutely inhuman 🚫 and is condemned at it’s highest peak. RIP ma’am
So sad.😭 May the Almighty Allah be pleased with the departed soul. 🙏🏾
May your soul rest in peace
May her soul R.I.P marshalla 🙏
I am very shocked to see one killing another all for selfish interest. My sympathy to the family, friends and love ones. This world is indeed a wicked world. I am really surprised what could have led him to kill such a beautiful soul 😢😭😭😭😭. I am really sort of words, may God guide and protect us all over the hands of the wicked. 🙏
Very sad😭😭😭may her faithful departed soul rest in perfect peace.
RIP to you my sister