The Regional Police Commander-South, AIG Brima Kanneh, has embarked on a swift and strategic initiative to bolster border security in preparation for the upcoming Liberia National Elections, scheduled for October 2023.
According to the Regional Media Officer of the Sierra Leone Police South, PC: 19138 Mans A.O, the proactive approach to enhance security in the region commenced with a courtesy visit by the Regional Police Commander South to the Mano River Police Division on Saturday,2nd September 2023.
This visit, characterized by its warmth and acceptance, extended beyond just the border crossing points, encompassing meetings with commercial motorbike riders and drivers in Jendema, engagement with the Liberian Immigration Unit, and Customs officials, and a visit to the Pujehun Division.
During the extensive tour, which included productive discussions with local stakeholders, it was officially revealed that there are fourteen primary porous crossing outlets and border points within the region and the purpose of the visit was to reinforce security measures and presence in these critical areas.
“I appreciate the strong relationship between the community and the police. While I am here to inspect and fortify the aforementioned number of porous crossing points, I strongly urge the drivers and riders to support the police with relevant information and collaborate in the fight against illicit drugs”.
AIG Kanneh was accompanied by the Local Unit Commander (LUC) of the Mano River Police Division, Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Alphonso Fambuleh, on his visit to the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS). During their encounter, they met with the Police Commander of the Bo Waterside, Ansumana Koroma, as well as Foday S. Momoh, who heads the Immigration unit.
These officials, along with other authorities in positions of trust, expressed their warm reception and commended the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) for their commitment to a collaborative approach in the fight against crime.
“We are always ready to support the SLP with information related to crime in Jendema,” affirmed the local drivers and riders.
The tour continued to Zimmi and Pujehun Police Divisions, where the efforts of the LUC and their teams were acknowledged for their tireless work in maintaining peace and conducting frequent raids to combat drug-related issues.
The professional inter-state tour reached its pinnacle as the Regional Police Commander South and his team returned to Bo City and the Regional Police Headquarters. This comprehensive initiative underscores the commitment of the Sierra Leone Police to ensure security and a peaceful environment in preparation for the Liberia National Elections.