Residents living along the Magburaka – Bumbuna highway on Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 described the Bumbuna – Magburaka highway as a death threat that has hampered the growth of the community.

Apart from hosting the country’s famous Bumbuna Hydro, Bumbna, a town in Dasogoia Chiefdom in the Northern District of Tonkolili is also known for hosting several international mining companies like the Leone Rock Metal Group.

As a result of the ongoing massive mining of gold and other minerals, Bumbuna  Dasogoia chiefdom and neighbouring chiefdoms of Simiria, Kalanthuba, Kafe, and Sambaia Bendugu are hosting people from different backgrounds and cultures and foreign nationals.

But the reverse is that residents of Bumbuna and the neighbouring chiefdoms are not living a better life just like the majority of the citizens of Sierra Leone.

Among the many challenges facing the people of that community are the poor road network which is very common in many major Chiefdom in Sierra Leone. The said road  links the chiefdom to the Tonkolili District headquarters town of Magburaka.

Saio Marrah, a resident of Maforayka, along the Bumbuna – Magburaka highway said the community’s cry for a better road has always been dampened or fallen on deaf ears, and it seems there is nobody to call again.

The heavy presence of vehicles owned by foreign companies he said is the major cause of the poor status of the road. Because of the poor condition of the road, Marrah said, businesses, education, health, and other sectors have been affected. Though a lot of companies are doing operations in the area, Marrah said the authorities don’t seem to care.

Burah Kargbo, another resident narrated the ordeals the community faced in terms of transportation all as a result of the road’s condition.

From my village here to Bumbuna is just five miles but I have to pay Le 20, 000 to hire a commercial bike rider, especially in the rainy season. The riders here will always pinpoint the condition of the road and we have no option,” the mother of three said.

During the rainy season, residents said the mud has to stop vehicles from entering Bumbuna town.

“The potholes and mud have affected the smooth use of the road,” Finnah Kargbo said.

During a visit to the chiefdom by this reporter, the Paramount Chief who is on suspension, and the Ward Councillor in the area were not around and couldn’t comment.