On October 17, 2024, the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) celebrated the reintegration of 3,079 out-of-school girls into the formal education system in Pujehun District, particularly in the Potoru Barri Chiefdom.

This initiative, spanning 28 communities in Moyamba, Kambia, Pujehun, and Koinadugu districts, highlights the government’s commitment to equal educational opportunities.

The ceremony was led by Deputy Ministers Madam Emily K. Gogra and Madam Mamusu Massaquoi, attended by local leaders, including Regent Chief Emmanuel E. Mustapha and Mammy Queen Haja Hawa Lahai, along with representatives from UNFPA and Irish Aid.

Minister Conrad Sackey emphasized the initiative’s alignment with President Julius Maada Bio’s New Direction policy, aimed at universal education access, and global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Minister Sackey announced plans to expand the program, supported by the Qatari government, to reach 120,000 out-of-school girls, demonstrating the government’s determination to provide educational opportunities for all.

This reintegration is based on the 2021 National Policy on Radical Inclusion, which seeks to remove barriers to education for marginalized groups, including underserved children and young mothers.

Between June and July 2024, MBSSE, in collaboration with UNFPA and Irish Aid, identified and registered the 3,079 girls across 24 chiefdoms.

They participated in remedial classes and received essential school supplies, including uniforms and books, to prepare them for academic success.

The event showcased success stories from previous cohorts, including two girls now pursuing nursing degrees. Post-ceremony, community-based coordinators and district monitors will support the girls, ensuring continued access to education.

This initiative underscores the transformative impact of education, empowering girls to become future leaders in their communities.