This year’s Bar Association election was overshadowed by controversy, with the slogan “shame on you” echoing throughout the process.

A video captures lawyers shouting the phrase, though it remains unclear whom they were addressing. Ground sources suggest the ire was directed at national players allegedly attempting to interfere with the election.

In Kenema, reports indicate one candidate monopolized hotel and guest house bookings, forcing other candidates to seek accommodation in Bo. On election day, a vehicle blocked the main road, preventing those who stayed in Bo from accessing the voting venue.

Unofficial results show Tuma Gento, wife of former Freetown mayoral aspirant Mohamed Gento Kamara, winning the election. The results are as follows:

Tuma Adama Jabbi: 560
Wara Serry-Kamal: 23
Augustine Sorie Marah: 15
Void: 28

However, candidates Sorie Marrah and Serry Kamal have rejected the outcome, labeling the election a “brazen mutilation of democracy” in a brief address to their supporters. They plan to inform the press of their next steps.