A leaked screenshot of a private WhatsApp group chat has revealed internal strife within the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP).

The chat, shared by Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden, shows Chief Minister Dr. David Moinina Sengeh engaged in a heated exchange with SLPP youth members.

In the conversation, Sengeh expresses confidence in his ability to speak freely to leaders of the opposition All People’s Congress (APC) on social media, emphasizing the importance of democratic discourse. However, his remarks have drawn criticism as he responds to APC figures who have highlighted perceived errors in his recent communication, dubbed “Audio-29.”

Sengeh’s defenders, referred to as “okuru dogs” in Blyden’s post, are reportedly retaliating against critics, labeling their responses as attempts at “bastardization.” This backlash comes in light of public concerns over the Chief Minister’s communication style and the impact of his statements on national unity.

The controversy has raised questions about the practice of democracy within the SLPP, with calls for Sengeh to rein in his supporters and foster a more respectful dialogue. Observers argue that open criticism should be welcomed as part of a healthy democratic process.

As the situation unfolds, the SLPP must navigate these internal divisions while maintaining its public image in the face of increasing scrutiny.

See attached screen shot chat: