Mercy Ships in partnership with the Ministry of Health has call for new Registration for patients with specific surgical conditions.

The registration process will be held on four different communities across Freetown starting on June 18th to June 21st and June 24th to June 28th.

Locations for the registration process are as follows Freetown-Community Health Center Aberdeen Sea Coach, Freetown-Community Health Center Wellington, Freetown-Community Health Center Jui Tect, and Freetown-Community Health Center Tombo.

The category of surgical conditions that are involve in the registration process are Facial Tumours, Post Noma, Cataracts, Inguinal Hernia, Cleft Lip and Clef Palate , and Lipoma.

Patients are assured that registration is free and should also note that surgery is not guaranteed until the patient is evaluated and approved by Mercy Ships surgeon.