The biggest Muslim youths talent platform in Sierra Leone, one Deen SL presents this 2022 Sierra Leone Muslims Got Talent Show Season 7.
The Sierra Leone Muslims Got Talent Show is an electrifying event mixed with Education and Entertainment (Edutainment) and a very inspirational show for promoting Muslims with various Talent in Nasheed, Drama, Poetry and Spoken words, science and Innovation, Public Speaking, Education and Technology, mental health etc.
The winner of this said event automatically stands as the representative for Sierra Leone in the Mano river Islamic competition with Liberia and Guinea. And some of the winners of SLMGT have partaken in National competitions.
In this year participants in the category of Nasheed, are Nun Afriki and SL Umar Esa. In public speaking are young Alhaji and Muluku. In the drama aspect are Awulu Islamic Theatre Jr and Islamic Drama Movement among others.
This year’s SLMGT event is scheduled to be hosted at the prestigious Freetown City Hall for the 2nd time. And the price at hand for this competition wil be NLe5,000 plus a whole year of production support.
As the event comes very near every second if the day, One Deen SL wishes to remind Sierra Leoneans tht the event is scheduled to hold in 27th November 2022 in the Freetown City Hall at 12:00 pm.
The gate takings are made affordable to the extent that you pocket will not even know you have taken something off from it.
Ticket Prices are:
Plain: Le50
Silver: Le100
Gold: Le150
Patron: Le200
One Deen SL is a company that deals with diversified businesses focussing mainly on 3 sectors; technology, Business and creative Islamic Projects.