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President Bio Describes the Importance of MCC Grant

President Bio Describes the Importance of MCC Grant

President Julius Maada Bio has described the importance of the Millenium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) 480 million US Dollars grant as significant milestone for Sierra Leone. "This signing is not just...

Serious Argument in Parliament Over 2020 Audit Report

Serious Argument in Parliament Over 2020 Audit Report

Argument sparks in parliament as Hon. Kandeh moves a motion for parliament to debate the 2020 Audit Report.  The Deputy Leader of Government Business, Hon Bashiru Silike argues against, stating that Hon....

Disabled in Bo Protest Over Delayed SSN Package

Disabled in Bo Protest Over Delayed SSN Package

Some disgruntled disabled in Bo have staged a peaceful Protest at the Bo Central Mosque over what they described as a delay and marginalization in receiving their Social Safety Net (SNN) package from the...

Journalists Blacklist Boss La

Journalists Blacklist Boss La

The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) and Women in the Media Sierra Leone (WIMSAL) have in separate press releases requested that all media houses in the country blacklist or desist from airing...


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