Sierra Leone’s Chief Minister, Dr David Moinina Sengeh on Friday 24th November led a delegation of government ministers and officials to inspect the ongoing construction of the 200-bed Cape Sierra Hilton Hotel.
The visit was initiated after the government received concerns from the financing banks on the progress of the development and challenges of financing the debt by the private parties.
At the site, the Chief Minister and his delegates were shown around and updated on the progress of the construction by the Promoter/Developer IDEAS SL Ltd who was on site during the visitation.
About 84% of the work is completed with no issues, according to the updates reported by the Promoter and the project is estimated to be 12 months away from completion.
The contract for the construction of the said Hotel was signed in 2011, but faced challenges including ebola, and covid which led to significant delays. The. However the Chief Minister assured that the Bio’s government will surely deliver.
Meanwhile, other administrative and legal issues of this development are to be discussed later.