The Human Resources Department, led by Police Sergeant 15453 Wuyata Lahai, concluded a comprehensive sensitization initiative throughout November 2023. The campaign targeted police officers across various divisions including the Regional Police Headquarters, Bo West Division, Bo East Division, Zimmi, Gendema, and Pujehun Division.
Sergeant Lahai emphasized the critical need for officers to regularly update their files, stressing the importance of accurate and current information for optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of police operations. She highlighted how updated files enable swift and appropriate responses to emergencies and changes in law enforcement dynamics.
“By updating their files, police personnel can stay informed about changes in the force, policies, procedures, and new technologies in law enforcement,” said Sergeant Lahai during the sessions.
Continuous learning and file updates were underscored as crucial contributors to the overall professionalism and competence of the police force. Given security implications and logistical constraints, the department plans to extend this sensitization to Rutile, Bonthe, and Moyamba Divisions.
Emphasizing adherence to standard operating procedures (SOP), Sergeant Lahai urged all police personnel to consider this topic essential and crucial for their operational efficiency. The sensitization covered Updates, NASSIT, and Medicare, concluding with promising outcomes.