Sierra Leonean teachers have highlighted significant disparities in the country’s education system. Labeling their fight for basic survival within the educational landscape as “extortion,” these educators have brought attention to questions surrounding fairness and ethical standards in place.

They pointed out the stark contrast in treatment between politicians and civil servants, who often receive extravagant gifts while holding sensitive public offices. This contrast with the intense scrutiny faced by educators trying to make ends meet raises serious concerns about the priorities within the system.

Highlighting the disparity in fees, the teachers emphasized the irony of paying NLe10 for a meticulously handwritten report card over a year, compared to the mandatory NLe70 for a WAEC scratch card. Similarly, NLe300 for a college transcript is deemed fair, with an obligatory NLe800 for a college application form.

The income inequality becomes evident when considering that a pro-government social media blogger working in the office of the president can earn at least NLe 10,000, while a high school principal struggles with a meager NLe 4,000. This wage gap raises serious questions about the value placed on those at the forefront of education.

The teachers also highlighted the contrasting treatment of individuals in conflict with the law, citing a teacher as an example who is often ridiculed and used as an example, while a minister allegedly involved in the misappropriation of school resources remains untouched.

Concluding the message, the teachers called for a reassessment of the system to ensure fairness and equal treatment for all, stressing the need for a balanced scale of justice within Sierra Leone’s education landscape.