A very reliable source within the hierarchy of the All People’s Congress (APC) party has informed The Calabash Newspaper that everything is set for the dialogue between the All People’s Congress (APC) and the Government of Sierra Leone to take place on the 25th September, 2023.

According to the very reliable source, the main opposition APC has agreed that all its elected Members of Parliament, Mayors, Councilors and other elected personalities will assume their rightful positions upon the reopening of parliamentary sittings in the coming weeks.

According to political pundits, such a message coming at this time when the country’s economy is declining at an alarming rate, is very good news for the people of Sierra Leone.

The participation of the APC in the governance of the State will definitely bring about the much-needed change and cause the international community to start supporting Sierra Leone because the governance of the country would no longer be in the hands of one political party, social and political analysts opine.

As all of this is happening, the much-talked about dialogue between the APC and Government that will be chaired and brokered by independent players like the Commonwealth, ECOWAS and AU is also expected to bring about huge dividends which would see the current political stalemate become a thing of the past and the people of Sierra Leone breath sighs of relief and begin to live better lives once again; lives without fear and without watching your back.

It is no secret that the political crisis between the main opposition APC and the Government, which engulfed the country immediately after the June 24 elections, worsened over time, threatening to derail constitutional rule, peace and stability.

The main opposition APC refused to accept the election results, and boycotted participating in governance, including refusal of its elected Members of Parliament to take their seats.

However, the promotion of democracy is central to the international community’s mission in Sierra Leone, it is clear that they are encouraging dialogue as a way to correct the political crisis in the country.

Hopefully, after the dialogue, lives of Sierra Leoneans will return to normal.
