Some newly elected Members of Parliament from the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) have complained over the party’s decision to boycott governance over dispute with 24 June polls results announced by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL).

The Patriotic Vanguard reported that the party’s move has “sparked discontent among APC’s elected Members of Parliament”.

Report indicated that some of their MPs have viewed the move to be an unpatriotic act that negates them for what they were elected for.

The party’s decision emanated from dispute over results from the ECSL in the just concluded multitier election on 24 June.

The Electoral Commission announced the incumbent, Julius Maada Bio as winner with 56 percent of total valid votes casted. Bio was able to avoid runoff as envisaged by experts and some election observers.

The main opposition contested the results citing that the ECSL failed to follow the due process and adding that their results were not reflective with the decision of the majority in the West African nation.

The APC said they are planning to channel their energy to the grassroots which has been a tradition for the party.

The next elections are supposed to take place five years from now in 2028.