In a series of fiery tweets, former Minister of Justice and Attorney-General, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, and Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Fatima Bio, engaged in a heated exchange, shedding light on the prevailing political challenges faced by the country.
The exchange began when Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara voiced concerns over the legitimacy of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and emphasized the need to address electoral fraud to restore confidence and stability.
Taking to Twitter, Kamara stated, “SLPP faces legitimacy challenge and we the people face governance challenge. This impasse cannot sustainably lead to peace & prosperity. The thrust-electoral fraud needs to be primarily addressed to restore confidence & stability. People’s vote, like their lives, must be secured.”
In response, First Lady Fatima Bio, who is known for her active presence on social media platforms, swiftly fired back, challenging Kamara’s integrity and calling for an opposition that is genuinely honest to its supporters.
She tweeted, “This country also needs an opposition that is truly honest to its supporters. 2028 is around the corner, and intellectuals like you, if you are truly one, are still busy using social media to fake Sierra Leoneans. Get your house in order, Sir. The current narrative is simple ‘Progress’.”
Refusing to dignify the comment directly, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara opted to respond with a more diplomatic approach, expressing respect for the office held by the First Lady while subtly addressing her remarks.
He tweeted, “Will not dignify the comment with a response because of the high esteem I hold for the office, which you occupy, but simply state, with respect Ma, that honesty is a mirror in the hands of the holder. Wishing you a peaceful Sunday.”
Firmer ministry of justice is not even good enough to attach the first day. After embezzlement of public fund. Now tell us about fraudulent activity.
Forget about this election is over. All people Congress house is not in order. You want rule this country with a divided heart. You try to put your house in order before coming to stand for election.
Mr Joseph be yourself. Do you think we are happy for what is currently going on in your party. We are not because things are not going well. Do your fradulent outside not in this country any longer
Nice one mr Kamara you really show her you’re more intelligent and matured than she is
KF K is one of the failed and frustrated people that led the APC in to the mess in which the party finds itself today. A professional lawyer should not be talking like a fool like JFK is doing but should talk with evidence. If you say there was ringing in the June 24th election, then put your evidences together in the basket and go to court. But the fact is, APC does not have any evidence for the claim they are making and yet go on shouting the elections were rigged. Be a professional and act like one JFK.
Il est difficile d´être juste fans ce pays.
Actually, at times, it takes time to be aware either of you is a public servant or an individual like the SLPP the way the party is setting their cabinet is just for them the party owner not for the country because we are not the in the ruling of a one-party state.
You guys are all not sober minded people because if you’re, you wouldn’t have been talking all what you are saying now. Looking at the mess the slpp cabal have put the country into. But some of you, you will soon realize the consiquence of your actions.
Your comment are all useless to read, because nothing good in it 💪💪💪💪, you so call SLPP supporters
Oh Sierra Leone 😭😭😭 the land of my birth!!!😭😭😭
APC and SLPP are responsible for the predicament and failing of Sierra Leone at Home and Abroad. Oppressive regime cannot endure forever and the day will come when the people of Sierra Leone will faced a choice. No doubt about it. Other countries in Africa are now Productive while we are a consumption State not producing. Nothing to boost of as a Nation but everything crippling to its citizens eyes while our politicians are living extrospection life beyond boundaries and expectations. A day in Sierra Leone is more worse than living in the worsts prison. Ordinary Guinea has outmatched Sierra Leone in everything. Nothing is sustainable except constant deception and politics of hatred and Malice.
JFK’s response is very diplomatic and savage at the same time…lol
I honestly enjoyed it.
I believe that as Sierra Leoneans, we should deviate our minds from SLPP and APC stuff. We should focus on the things that will move this country forward. Since 1961 till today these two parties have failed this country awfully. Let us sit back and make a new turn concerning our country and our lives.
JFK what was your take in the sierra rutile deal between ebk, yourself and the Chinese people?
Stop throwing stones when you live in a glass house.
It’s such an intriguing and fascinating piece of art between our First Lady and JFK. Truthfully speaking, both APC and SLPP are responsible for the downfall and inability of our nation. Until we the citizens prove immense strength and love for our country, our leaders will not stop taking advantage of us. If we put our country’s interests above our party interests, then our country will be a better place to live.
Mama Salone First
Her Excellency should just ignore that idiot called JFK.
When people take a wide brush to paint both APC and SLPP together for the Country’s poor state today shows that , in our country we have very dishonest people who want to hide the APC from being responsible for the damage done to the country . The law of karma will fall on the APC.
APC took power in 1968 . There were multi-national companies operating fully in Sierra Leone, there was S.L.S.T , DELCO , LUCIEN GANET , P.Z , BREWO MOTORS , UAC , SUA , the RAILWAY, PMB , RICE CORPORATION , CROWN AGENTS , CHELLARAM, CHOITHRAM and COLD STORAGE . Due to the APC ‘s incompetence, all those companies mentioned above either left the country for poor management and fold up . The last company was the PALM KERNEL OIL MILL also destroyed by the APC.